Technical Aid to the Disabled (TADTas) – Helping Others to Independence
Paul Duncombe is an accountant who worked at UTAS from 1969 to 1985, when he took up the position of CEO with Family Planning Tasmania. That role had a Tasmania wide focus as well as devising, planning and implementing development aid programs in Asia and a number of Pacific Island countries. He retired from Family Planning in 2004 and in 2005 was appointed as the first Executive Officer with TADTas, a role he still has because he loves it so much.
He speaks about the work of TADTas an association of volunteers that provide technical customized mobility aids for Tasmanians with disabilities and has assisted Tasmanians with disabilities since 1990.
Their technical team can devise and implement modifications to existing aids such as walking frames, wheel chairs and the like. These modifications are usually in response to individual needs identified by the client in conjunction with their health professional.
Speaker Details
Paul Duncombe
m: 0419 237 793
Location: South