Rotary Youth Exchange
“An exchange is when a stranger becomes family, foreigners become friends, a second language becomes like your first and a year suddenly becomes a day.”
Contact PDG Gerard Blizzard – Rotary Youth Exchange Chairman
The Youth Exchange Program is an International exchange for young people between the ages of 15 and 18. The exchange is for a 12 month period during which time the student is hosted by three or four families, experiencing different lifestyles. Up to 15 students are exchanged each year.
Rotary Exchange students on their Tassie tour
It is a reciprocal educational exchange, therefore students must attend school.
Spending time abroad as a Rotary Exchange Student is a great opportunity for students to experience a new culture, a new language, to be an ambassador for Rotary and Tasmania and to build lifelong friendships.
Inbound students arrive in July/August ; outbound students depart in January.
The Youth Exchange Program committee conducts three orientation days and camps to assist inbound students to become acclimatised and to prepare outbound students for their twelve months abroad.
A Scholarship is available to assist students who are unable to participate due to financial difficulties.
A Question and Answer video for parents
Rotex Rebound
An organisation for Rotary Exchange students returning to Tasmania.
The group exists to support Tasmanian Exchange students and families once the student returns home after a year of immense change. Rotex members also provide valuable advice at camps to students preparing to go overseas.
Four founding members of Rotex Rebound: Ashley Cashburn, Rose Findlater, Gen VanDen Bosch and Aisling McCullough