Rotary Tasmania

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Projects in Nepal

Our District has been helping disadvantaged people in Nepal for the last eight years.

During this time we have funded 13 eye camps and restored sight to over 1,900 people. We have also added classrooms to a school, and provided clean water to a secondary school.

In addition, through Foundation Global Grants, we have provided laser equipment for an eye hospital and installed a water scheme that provides clean water to a village of 1,250 people.

The rebuilding of three schools that were severely damaged by the 2015 earthquake are soon to be completed. The work has been funded by our District’s Earthquake Appeal and was officially opened by RI President Ian Riseley in December 2017.

Speaker Details

PDG Kevin Shadbolt – Rotary Club of Devonport


m: 0438 267 215

Location: Statewide