Rotary Tasmania

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From a simple beginning in 1968 Rotaract has become a strong international service club for young men and women (ages 18-30) who have a commitment to their communities, be it at local and/or international levels.

Sponsored and supported by a local Rotary club, members of Rotaract seek to develop friendships and professional contacts that will enable them to address the physical and social needs of their communities. At the same time members develop their own personal skills and knowledge. As part of an international network of Rotaract clubs, members can reach well beyond the local scene through projects, contacts and conferences. The district Rotaract chairman and committee are available to organise new Rotaract clubs, assist communication between Rotary and Rotaract and plan district-wide training for Rotaract club officers.

Rotaract meetings are held bi-monthly. It is strongly recommended that there should be a Rotary presence at each of these meetings, attendance being a “make-up” for the visiting Rotarian. Regular liaison between Rotary and Rotaract by way of shared meetings and agreed projects is encouraged.

Rotaract has its own Standard Club Constitution and is regulated through the Rotaract Statement of Policy.

District Rotaract Rep: DRR Taylah WILLCOX Tamar Valley Rotaract

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