Rotary Tasmania

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District Resource Network & District International Service Chair

Rotary International had expanded the duty of the District International Service Chair (DISC), who is part of our Service Projects team.

The DISC role includes developing a District Resources Network (DRN). To establish a DRN we:

  • Identify skills, and therefore resources, within our membership in every club in our district and collate a single district wide listing of our combined expertise.

  • Facilitate the identified experts as needed and are available, to work together in supporting those who are assessing, planning, funding, implementing and executing projects and finally reporting and adding the finished project to Rotary Showcase

For each project the experts who assist constitute the Project Enhancement Team. These teams can work across club, district and national boundaries to draw on ever wider pools of experience, expertise and contacts.

This means clubs can use the DRN via the DISC when planning new projects to draw on the experience of others who have managed similar types of projects &/ or worked in the same parts of the world.

Developing a DRN may present challenges. For some Rotarians, clubs & districts the emphases on sharing plus inter-club & inter-district working may require a major cultural shift in thinking.

For project enhancement to work reactions to project difficulties also need to change. Old habits of hiding project failings & allocating blame may need to be replaced by a willingness to share the problem so future projects can avoid or resolve them. Greater good may be achieved by a project that fails - if the reasons are understood & disseminated.

The DISC will also facilitate the identification on project partners - host Rotary Clubs containing committed Rotarians who will see the project through to completion. This is a key step in developing new successful and sustainable international and community service projects.

DISC Brochure

To learn more download the DISC Brochure

Download DISC Brochure

DISC Presentation

Watch a short video presentation on the District International Service

DISC: PP Roslyn Teirney North Hobart

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