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Andrew Best and Barbara Mifsud provide training at District 9830 PETS

My Rotary Tips from Andrew Best and Barbara Mifsud                

As leaders of your Rotary club, you need to register on My Rotary and become familiar with this resource for two reasons:  

  • to help you achieve your Rotary goals

  • to learn how to meet your Rotary responsibilities

The public face of Rotary International, where anyone can go to learn about what Rotary is and what Rotary does, is

This is like having a room in your home where you take guests - say, the lounge room.

As a member of Rotary and a leader of your club though, you have the key to enter the home, so go to .  (The link will open in a new window, so you won't lose these tips.)  This is "My Rotary" which Andrew likened to the rest of the house where the work is done eg kitchen, laundry, bathroom.

Register now if you have not already done so.  Ensure you use the e-mail which your club has given to Rotary International.  To test if you are using your correct e-mail, once you sign in, you should be able to see information about your own Rotary Club.  If you don't see your club snapshot, let Andrew's office know.  

Click this button to get started. You can't break it!

Your access in My Rotary

Club Administration is accessed by clicking on the "Manage" tab, then selecting "Club Administration."

Within your club, President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Rotary Foundation Chair and Executive Secretary all have the same access and can add, edit and delete information.

Your access depends on your Rotary role.

Assistant Governors and the District Governor can see your entries, but don't worry about that.  Their purpose is simply to become aware of areas where extra resources and support are required.

Andrew said:  Rotary International does not care what goals you set.

The district does not run your club.  District leaders are here to help you.  If you are your club members need education, ask for a speaker to assist you achieve your goals.

A note about the role of Executive Secretary:  this allows an extra person, not necessarily on the board, to assist with data entry for your club.  It is not the same as Club Secretary.

Andrew talked a lot about delegation.  He said leaders should identify their weaknesses and delegate to those with strengths in these areas.

Select your goals in Rotary Club Central

Rotary Club Central is your online goal-setting tool and you need to complete the online planning tools here and print out if you wish your board or club members help you to make decisions about what projects to focus on or what goals to set.

A written down goal is a goal achieved.

Rotary Club Central is open to all Rotarians.  Individuals can hold their club leaders accountable if they are not reporting on the good work done by volunteers in the club.

Evidence for negotiations with political and corporate allies

Use the SHOWCASE part of Rotary Club Central to leverage your club's hard work when seeking support from local and state politicians and corporate sponsors.

Completing the online forms here results in a very clear, concise message that we can disseminate instantly.  It's a strong summary of what you have achieved and indicates what you can achieve on the next project.

Evidence for your club's Rotary Citation

Refer to the brochure "Rotary Citation" to see how to qualify for a citation.  The name has changed from "Presidential Citation" as there was confusion about the meaning of the word "presidential."  It is awarded by RI President toa club that achieves the criteria set by the RI President in a given year.  It is received by the qualifying clubs, on the basis of all members' service and giving etc, not just on things achieved by a club president.

Enter the terms "2018-19 Rotary Citation" into a search engine in order to download the file:  900en18-19_theme_citation_brochure.pdf

Important Deadlines

You must finalise membership data before 1st July and 1st January, as Club Invoices will be automatically generated on these dates and must be paid, even if members leave a few days later.
You are responsible for listing incoming officers on My Rotary by 1st February.  This is to ensure that the officers to follow you will not miss out on any communications coming from Rotary International concerning their new roles.  If you don't do this for your club, you are limiting the new officers' opportunity to be proactive in planning for their year.
Access to the reports of trends through My Rotary statistics will inform your planning for your presidential year and that of your successor.
Please do not leave your My Rotary effort until the last afternoon of the Rotary year.  Your duty is to update membership changes within 30 days.

We need to be accurate in our membership reporting. 
Information is powerful, leading to better decisions, better outcomes and better benefits to all of us.

Brand Center

Andrew explained very clearly why Rotarians need to control and protect our brand.  Create your logos in the Brand Center and you know it will be compliant.
Use the new logo.  You always need to identify your club.  It's a legal issue.  
There are five different ways for a club to create a logo.
Those clubs which do not capitalise on the strength of our uniformity dilute our brand.
If we are collaborative in our approach, we will multiply the effects of the strength of our brand, going forward.
The continuity of the image means that you piggyback off other clubs' hard work.  We all get the benefits of any Rotary PR as we are associated.  We all bask in anyone's glory, as long as people clearly brand their events as Rotary.

Before publishing posters, brochures or any PR materials, please check the guidelines to ensure you are briefing graphic designers re correct Rotary fonts and colours.  

Happy to help

Here is also the link to our Dropbox folder of how to guides should you need any of them:

Andrew Best
Supervisor, Club & District Support
Rotary International
Office Line: (612) 8894 9820
Member of RC Turramurra
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL | Level 2, 60 Phillip St | Parramatta  NSW  2150 | Australia
Postal | PO Box 1415 | Parramatta  NSW  2124 | Australia
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