
Interplast seeks the opportunity to tell you about their latest initiative; “Repairing bodies, rebuilding lives” in the Asia/Pacific region.

In 2016, District 9830 provided the funds to send a surgical and training program to Honiara in the Solomon Islands. In September 2016, District Chair Karen Badcock accompanied a surgical team to Samoa to observe firsthand the treatment and training provided free to local people and staff.

Rotary has been involved with Interplast since its beginning in 1983 and has been a crucial part of the organisation ever since.

Please consider an Interplast spokesperson for your meeting or make a donation to our District Treasurer to be held in Interplast funds.

Speaker Details

Pres Karen Badcock – Rotary Club of Salamanca


m: 0409 853 453

Location: Statewide